
Melinda Bartram

City of Rowlett, TX

Melinda Bartram

City of Rowlett, TX

Contact Details

City of Rowlett, TX


The life of a full-time mom and professional is a non-stop circus of chaos and joy. In between the lion-taming act and balancing on the high wire, I enjoy being with my family and staying in contact with my wonderful extended family comprised of close friends. I am dedicated to making the world a better place for my children, thinking globally and acting locally. Whether its environmental issues or simply preserving our cultural/historical treasures, our legacy as a generation hinges on personal accountability and responsible stewardship. A pop culture diva, I am a jazz and blues singer, world traveler, firewalker, SCUBA diver, television junkie and movie fanatic. My brain has so much useless information stored away in the form of trivia I fear alot of important files are overwritten or deleted altogether... I'm getting older and wondering about the significance of my life and if I've accomplished anything meaningful. I know where my ashes will be scattered when I die, but the burning question is, "What next?"